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Chicken Pasta Bake


Chicken Pasta Bake


An onion

3 cloves of garlic

A pepper

Reduced fat mozzarella ball

500g of rigatoni (or any pasta you want)

2 chicken breasts

One jar of Mediterranean veg pasta bake sauce

Reduced fat cheddar for topping

Spinach for some bad boy nitrates


1 Cook the pasta in a pan. In a separate pan,

cook an onion, garlic and pepper - sauté for 5 minutes until soft.

Add the chicken and cook through.

2 Add the vegetable sauce to the veg and chicken. When

the pasta is cooked stir it in to the sauce in a baking tray or a overproof pan. Break the mozzarella up into small bits and scatter around the pasta.

3 Grate some cheddar on top, put in the over for 45 minutes and thank me later.

Prepared by  rugbygrub
